A paladin is a knight errant – possibly a middle ages European samurai. Such a knight was usually wealthy in his own right – it was an expensive business with the cost of purchase and upkeep of a horse, armour, weapons and employees.

His job was to provide mobile equine mounted support and protection for his lord. There is much information about such knights in the epic poem The Song of Roland. Whilst they may appear to us, as we look back in history, to be upmarket mercenaries this can be discounted as they followed a very onerous and moral code of conduct.

Paladin Adjusting Solutions offer an expert Claims Handling and Management Service both internationally and here in the UK.

We are expert loss adjusters with lengthy experience in the claims field of the insurance industry. Our adjusters will guide the Insured through the entire claim procedure. There will be consistency of handling through the process. The use of our recently constructed specially built claims management system gives us the edge over our competitors. This allows us to focus effectively and entirely upon site visits, adjustment and settlement of claims.

Our staff have a proven record in the catastrophe response arena.

Senior adjuster Nick Croan ACII FCILA FUEDI ELAE has spent 40 years dealing with insurance claims. He is still an adjuster (actively on the tools) and on the front line of the adjusting business which gives Paladin a unique edge in the current market.

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