Building Surveying Services

Regarding different types of loss our approach is;

Fire; initial damage appraisal report followed by survey of fire damaged property. Supervision of emergency works.

Flood; inspection and then stripping and drying. We do not expend insurer funds or extend repair times drying saturated building elements which will ultimately be stripped out. Relevant staff have Dewpoint or BDMA qualifications and understand pragmatic building water damage restoration. Our method is cost effective.

Escape of water; similar principles to flood damage apply.

Impact damage; structural report and making safe and then shoring. Thereafter preparation of repair schedule and supervision of repairs.

Subsidence; determination of cause and tailored solution.

Defect diagnosis; comprehensive report and remedial measures.
Commercial loss; full mitigation services.

Contact Paladin Adjusting

    We can also provide:

    Cost analysis
    Dispute resolution
    Expert witness
    Contract works claims
    CAD measured surveys

    Our database includes all types of contractor and supplier.

    We have extensive experience in dealing with the residential, commercial and Contract Works building losses. This is both from a loss adjuster/surveyor, appointed surveyor and contractor perspective. Our methodology is full determination of the extent of damage (with high level access as necessary) to determine the extent of insured event loss. We will identify pre-existing damage and that from other causes. Thereafter, we will draw up a repair specification of our own which is costed using realistic rates for the location of the remedial work. We then present a robust report which can be disclosed to the other side.

    In the past we have attended meetings with policy holders, policy holder appointed surveyors, assessors and brokers and demonstrated the accuracy of our specification in terms insured damage and the veracity of costings we have applied to reach a realistic settlement.