Locus Inspection

A locus inspection report is normally necessary in respect of the location of a road traffic accident, incident where a slip or tripping accident has occurred or industrial accident.

Our locus report is therefore of interest to insurers in respect of motor liability cases, public liability claims and employer’s liability claims. Similarly, we provide such reports for solicitors as litigation support.

We have an extremely broad field of experience in this area, from when one of our staff carried out motor accident locus inspections and oil industry related accidents.

Our reports include;

  • Scale sketches with measurements
  • Google maps overview
  • Relevant location features e.g. road signs and markings
  • Datum point
  • Contributory factors
  • Changes to the locus since the incident
  • Accompanying observation report
  • Drone footage – if required
  • Witness statement to confirm our site attendance

In respect of a significant quantum incident; we will involve our ex Police driving instructor to comment.

Contact Paladin Adjusting