Major Loss

Our track record in major loss includes fish processing factories (both pelagic and shellfish) fish farms, distilleries, paper mills (including engineering risk) docks, harbours, marinas, cement plants, shopping centres, airports, motor vehicle production facilities, pyrotechnic manufacture and storage facilities, wind farms, bottled spirits transit (RTA and theft by hijack) bridge strike, hotels, dance halls and nightclubs, wet berths, boat sheds and boat yards.

We have a sophisticated network of expert partners. Attending on site, we will identify and work with the insured’s key players to agree an action plan which suits them and their business. This plan will reflect involvement of their experts, trusted suppliers and insurance advisers. As necessary we will introduce forensic investigators, surveyors, architects, engineers, damage mitigation specialists, security consultants and contractors. This will be driven by the complexity and scope of the loss. Immediate steps will be taken to make the site safe and secure. Evidence regarding cause and, if appropriate, any recovery will be collected, labelled and stored or immediately conveyed to the expert’s laboratory.

Salvage will be protected and disposed of economically; branding removed as appropriate.

Back office staff, supervised by our Operations Manager and HQ Director, will monitor claim progress and achievement of diary dates.

On large losses we record and circulate minutes of meetings as part of our communication doctrine.
Our setup means that their will be consistency of claims handling “cradle to grave”

We will phone from site following the first visit to update the claims manager and provide an initial reserve, which will be reviewed 28 days post loss. Reserve setting will, of course, reflect the carrier’s reserving philosophy. During that call we will seek immediate further instructions.

Our comprehensive reports include photographs and will include statements, video recordings, drone footage and plans.

Contact Paladin Adjusting